<% ComeUrl=lcase(trim(request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER"))) if ComeUrl="" then response.write "


" response.end else cUrl=trim("http://" & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")) if mid(ComeUrl,len(cUrl)+1,1)=":" then cUrl=cUrl & ":" & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_PORT") end if cUrl=lcase(cUrl & request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")) if lcase(left(ComeUrl,instrrev(ComeUrl,"/")))<>lcase(left(cUrl,instrrev(cUrl,"/"))) then response.write "


" response.end end if end if if Session("UserName")="" then Response.Write "" response.End() end if Set Cn = CreateCn() %> 2013年度国家高新区门户网站综合影响力评估
<% Select Case Request("Action") Case "SubCount" Call SubCount() Case Else Call Surver() End Select function getIP() getIP = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR") If getIP = "" Then getIP = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") end function Sub SubCount() if Request.Cookies("mycookie")("votetimes")<>"" then if Request.Cookies("mycookie")("votetimes")>10 then Response.Write "" response.End() else Response.Cookies("mycookie")("votetimes")=Request.Cookies("mycookie")("votetimes")+1 Response.Cookies("mycookie").Expires=date+1 end if else Response.Cookies("mycookie")("votetimes")=0 Response.Cookies("mycookie")("userip")=getIP() Response.Cookies("mycookie").Expires=date+1 end if sql="select * from assess_result where pyuser='"&request("pyuser")&"' and gxqid="&Session("Gxqid")'每个评议员只能评一次。 set Rs=CreateRs(Cn,sql) if Rs.recordcount<>0 then Response.Write "" response.End() end if DistoryRs(Rs) sql="select * from assess_result where gxqid="&Session("Gxqid")'每个高新区最多提交10个评议 set Rs=CreateRs(Cn,sql) if Rs.recordcount>9 then Response.Write "" response.End() end if DistoryRs(Rs) TotalScore= 0 surver_sql="select * from assess_surver where parentid=2 order by sid asc" set RsSur=CreateRs(Cn,surver_sql) if not RsSur.eof then ' For i = 1 to RsSur.recordcount sub_sql="select * from assess_surver where parentid="&RsSur("sid")&" order by sid desc" set RsSub=CreateRs(Cn,sub_sql) if not RsSub.eof then For j = 1 to RsSub.recordcount Gxqid = Session("Gxqid") SurId = RsSub("sid") Score = request("sc"&RsSub("sid")) pyuser = request("pyuser") sql="Insert into assess_subscore(gxqid,surid,score,pyuser,addtime) values('"&GxqId&"','"&SurId&"','"&Score&"','"&pyuser&"','"&now()&"')" Cn.execute(sql) TotalScore = TotalScore+Score RsSub.movenext next end if DistoryRs(RsSub) RsSur.movenext next end if DistoryRs(RsSur) sql="Insert into assess_result(gxqid,gxqname,total,pyuser,addtime) values('"&Session("Gxqid")&"','"&Session("Gxqname")&"','"&TotalScore&"','"&pyuser&"','"&now()&"')" Cn.execute(sql) Response.Write "" response.End() End Sub Sub Surver() %>
<% surver_sql="select * from assess_surver where parentid=2 order by sid asc" set RsSur=CreateRs(Cn,surver_sql) if not RsSur.eof then ' For i = 1 to RsSur.recordcount %> <% sub_sql="select * from assess_surver where parentid="&RsSur("sid")&" order by sid desc" set RsSub=CreateRs(Cn,sub_sql) if not RsSub.eof then ' For j = 1 to RsSub.recordcount %> <% RsSub.movenext next'逐一查询结束 end if DistoryRs(RsSub) RsSur.movenext next'逐一查询结束 end if DistoryRs(RsSur) %>


评价项目 (25项) 评价内容 评价水平
满意 较满意 基本满意 不满意
4 3 2 1
<%=RsSub("survertitle")%> <%=RsSub("survercontent")%> " type="radio" value="4" /> " type="radio" value="3" /> " type="radio" value="2" /> " type="radio" value="1" />
评议员姓名:  *注:每个评论员只能评选一次。
<%End Sub%>